Providence RI - Zip code match to neighborhoods and neighborhood areas
Use Cases
- Add to RealZips CRM app (Salesforce)
- Plan territories, events and campaigns across Providence
- Add layers to mapping apps
Neighborhoods included
- Attleboro
- Barrington
- Capital Hill
- Darlington
- Edgewater
- Edgewood Heights
- Edgewood Highlands
- Elmwood
- Goddard Park
- Greenwich Estates
- Meshanticut Lake
- North Attleborough
- Oakland Beach
- Pawtucket
- Pawtuxet Village
- Pleasant View Commons
- Riverview Terrace
- Shore Acres
- Smithfield Court
- Wescott
- Woodlawn
Neighborhood Areas included:
- Providence Central
- Providence South
- Providence SouthWest
- Providence West
Data Source: Providence Neighborhood Link. Corrections made by RealZips team.