Chicago Illinois - Zip code match to neighborhoods and neighborhood areas
Use Cases
- Add to RealZips CRM app (Salesforce)
- Plan territories, events and campaigns across Chicago
- Add layers to mapping apps
Neighborhoods included
- Arcadia Terrace
- Archer Heights
- Area Community Exchange
- Bellwood
- Belmont Heights
- Beverly Manor
- Big Oaks
- Calumet Heights
- Casa Central
- Cottage Grove Heights
- Dearborn Park
- Edgebrook
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Euclid Neighborhood Association
- Fulton River District
- Garfield Ridge
- Glenwood Homes
- Grand Crossing
- Gresham
- Hegewisch
- Hilliard Homes
- Jackson Park Highlands
- Jefferson Park
- Jensen Community
- La Vivienda
- Landmarks Preservation Council
- Lathrop
- Lawndale
- Lincoln Square
- Longwood Schiller
- Marycrest
- Mayfair
- McKinley Park
- Montclaire
- Montclare
- Mount Greenwood
- Near Eastside
- Nobel Neighbors
- Norwood Park
- Oak Park Neighbors
- Old Irving Park
- Praise In The Earth Institute
- Ravenswood
- River North
- Roscoe Village
- Roseland Heights
- Schorch Village
- Scottsdale
- South Oakwood-Brookhaven Neighborhood
- Streeterville
- Sunnyside Neighbors
- West Ridge
Neighborhood Areas included:
- Chicago Central
- Chicago North
- Chicago NorthWest
- Chicago South
- Chicago SouthEast
- Chicago SouthWest
- Chicago West
Data Source: Chicago Neighborhood Link. Corrections made by RealZips team.