Louisville Kentucky - Zip code match to neighborhoods and neighborhood areas
Use Cases
- Add to RealZips CRM app (Salesforce)
- Plan territories, events and campaigns across Louisville
- Add layers to mapping apps
Neighborhoods included
- Apple Valley
- Audubon Ridge
- Beechmont
- Bon Air
- Bradford Grove
- Brookley Place
- Brownsboro Village
- Buchertown
- Cheri Village
- City of Meadow Vale
- Cloverleaf
- Copperfield
- Crittenden Atwood
- Deer Park
- Derbyshire Estates
- Dosker Manor
- Dove Point
- Farmgate
- Foxboro
- Gaslite Estates
- Glengarry
- Green Ridge Estates
- Kort Springs
- Limewood Circle
- Middletown
- North Iroquois
- Original Highlands
- Park DuValle
- Parkland
- Pleasant View
- Pleasure Ridge Pointe
- Riviera
- Shawnee
- Shelby Park
- Silver Creek
- South Central
- Toonerville Trolley
- Winchester
Neighborhood Areas included
- Louisville Central
- Louisville East
- Louisville South
- Louisville SouthEast
Data Source: Louisville Neighborhood Link. Corrections made by RealZips team.